Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Natural History Illustration 101: 6 weeks

I recently completed a 6 week illustration course called Natural History Illustration 101. It was run online by the University of Newcastle in Australia. It was an excellent experience and I highly recommend it. 

Here I have assembled all the work I completed over the 6 weeks. I've done this to get a view of my progression throughout the course.

Week 1 - Calibration of tools

Tonal Range

Week 2 - Observational Drawing of 3 objects

1. Coral

Coral with topography lines

Coral with topography lines and shadow

Coral with topography lines, shadows, and details

Completed coral


2. Amethyst

Completed amethyst


3. Sea Urchin

pic name
pic name

Week 3 - Field Work & Notes

pic name
pic name

pic name
pic name

Spring time water hole, waiting for birds

Week 4 - Botanical Structure

Notes and dissections of a pansy

Lifecycle of a pansy bud, with colour

Week 5 - Mammal and Bird Structure

(aka field trip to the ROM)

pic of bear

drawing of bear
A brown bear, drawn using a bounding box and units.


pic of fox

drawing of fox
An arctic fox, drawn using a bounding box and units.

pic of snow goose

drawing of snow goose
A snow goose, drawn using geometric shapes and loose topography lines.

A Canada Goose in mid-flight, drawing using geometric shapes
and shape-blocking for wing structure.

Week 6 - Rendering

This week's drawing made use of all the skills learned so far.

preliminary drawing of marine iguana

Preliminary drawing: geometric shapes, topography lines, indication of shadow.

detail of iguana head
iguana in process
Rendering in progress, working from light to dark.

Completed: Moulting Marine Iguana